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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Book Pimps – Who They are and Why We Love Them!
Over the last few months I’ve received so many great book recommendations – my TBR list is currently on super backlog. I even purchased a Kindle 2 earlier this spring because everyone was screaming about it on Twitter. So, in celebration for all the Book Pimps that exist in the blogosphere and Twitterville -- I'm dedicating this week to Book Pimps! Who They Are and Why We Love Them!

First up is my girl Marquetta of Love To Read For Fun. First let me say. Marq is a "subtle" Book Pimp. She won't bombard you with book titles -- she's not a salesman for her book product. Marq is sneaky. She'll parade her reviews on Twitter and her blog and will force YOU to come to her. You'll read her reviews and say, hmmm I need to check that one out. Then when you DO read it -- you're hooked. You find yourself wondering what can she recommend NEXT? You follow her on Goodreads, you look for review post notices.... you're hooked. The Pimp has done her job.
Who: Marquetta
Blog: Love to Read for Fun
Tell us a little about yourself Marq:
Marq: My blog (Love To Read For Fun) is not genre specific but you will find that the majority of my reviews are for romance novels. I love romance and I am a sucker for the HEA. I've recently discovered Paranormal Romance so my blog has been more PNR heavy lately. My blog and my reviews definitely reflect my personality. I am unapologetically honest in my reviews which I hope my readers appreciate.
Who are your top 3 Book Pimps and what do they pimp to you? :
1. The Queen of Book Pimping and my baby powduh slaggin' buddy, Bells (Hanging With Bells) - She introduced me to PNR. The books and series and authors are too many to name. Her first recommendation was Bloodfever by Karen Moning. I will forever be grateful for her introducing me to the wonderful Barrons.
2. Twitter - Not a person but I get so many of my book recs from my tweeps via twitter. Thanks to tweer pressure, I finally purchased and read the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. I can't tell you how many folks on twitter recommended the series to me. I finally caved and I am so glad I did.
2. Twitter - Not a person but I get so many of my book recs from my tweeps via twitter. Thanks to tweer pressure, I finally purchased and read the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. I can't tell you how many folks on twitter recommended the series to me. I finally caved and I am so glad I did.
3. Smokinhotbooks: Smokinhot gets special recognition for introducing me to Black Wade. When I read her review, I knew I had to buy the book. It's a m/m graphic novel. I popped my m/m cherry thanks to her!
Name the top three books that were Pimped to you that you absolutely loved and why:
Marq: I'm not going to be able to pick books so I'm going to provide my top three series.
-The Fever Series - Why I love it? One word - Barrons. That's why everyone should read it! Oh yeah, and the world building, plot and other characters and all that other good stuff.
-The Fever Series - Why I love it? One word - Barrons. That's why everyone should read it! Oh yeah, and the world building, plot and other characters and all that other good stuff.
-The Demonica Series - Why I love it? Seminus Demon brothers who need sex to survive. They work at a hospital for demons (Underworld General Hospital). The smex in these books will have you changing your panties.
-Night Huntress World series - Why I love it? Bones and Chapter 32. Enuff said. :)
See what I mean? Marq is the reason why "I" picked up the Fever series -- as well as why I gave my husband the "sad face" and asked for Kindle 2 for Mother's Day. So check out her blog, reviews and her tweets. All of the above make Marquetta a ...
Be sure to check back tomorrow and be introduced to Book Pimp Extraordinaire.... Bells of Hanging With Bells!
Get your pimp on!

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My pimp hand is strong! LOL! Thanks for the glowing intro! I hope I can live up to it.
Yay Marq! I loves my powduh slaggin' buddy! I'm so happy to have rec'd books to you that you enjoyed. :D
I agree with her top 3 book pimps!! Twitter has been a wonderful resource for books, and no one pimps better then Smokin Hot Books or Bells!
Bells and KC will def pimp to me too!
Great pimping! I love chatting with Marq on Twitter and props totally go to KC for introducing me to Black Wade (and Marq for sending it to me!!) Yea for book pimps!
Great post - I love twitter for book recs too! I've had my eye on Black Wade but haven't braved those waters yet :)
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