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Friday, October 1, 2010
Book Pimps - Who They Are and Why We Love Them - Day Four

Today, I'm introducing Penny from Penny Pimpin'. But I have to tell you. I didn't meet Penny on Twittah and her blog is barely one month old. So how did I meet her? Well, she "found" me at the book signing for Jeaniene Frost at Borders Bookstore in August. She came up to me and said "Are you Dren from Dren's B-Spot?" I paused for a second thinking "STALKER?" but said yes. She then explained how she's been following my tweets with Bells and Marq and KC and she loves us! After hearing that I knew Penny was a keeper :)
So Penny, tell us a little about yourself:
So Penny, tell us a little about yourself:
My blog Penny Pimpin is brand new; I’ve only done a couple of posts so far. Right now, its about books, tv and music but books will be the main focus. One of my favorite things on earth to do is to introduce someone to a book or show that I like so I’ll have someone else to discuss it with and that’s the purpose of my blog. I have been on a UF and PNR kick for a couple of years now and the bulk of the books I’ve read have been in those genres but I’m also a fan of romantic suspense, medical /forensic mysteries/thrillers, epic fantasy and science fiction. My blog will eventually touch on books from all of those genres. I haven’t started reviewing yet but its coming.
Who are your top 3 Book Pimps?:
My top three book pimps are my sister Melinda and two of my best friends, Chena and Mica. Unfortunately, none of them currently have book blogs BUT I’m working on them all and hope to have them do guest posts on my blog. The three of them have been entirely responsible for my interest in epic fantasy series, such as Melanie Rawn’s Dragon trilogies (Dragon Prince & Dragon Star), George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, which is the basis of the upcoming HBO series A Game of Thrones and the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, which inspired the Legend of the Seeker TV series.
I also have to give an honorable mention to Twitter for its book pimpiness (my word; feel free to use it as your own!) too. Since I joined Twitter and became acquainted with such lovely ladies such as yourself Dren, and Bells of Hangin with Bells, and KC of SmokinHotBooks and Mandi and Tori of Smexy Books and the lovely ladies of ROOB (Realms on Our Bookshelves), I have been exposed to new-to-me authors and genres and I have LOVED it! My wallet, however, has been protesting quite loudly!
Name the top three books that were Pimped to you that you absolutely loved and why:
1) Dragon Prince – Melanie Rawn - This series came out in the late 80’s and was the first fantasy book I ever read. My sister Melinda introduced me to this series and it opened my eyes to a whole new world of books. Prior to reading it, I was mainly a mysteries, thrillers and romance reader. I haven’t looked back since!
2) Magic Bites – Ilona Andrews - This one also came to me from my sister Melinda. I have a special place in my heart for shapeshifters and the Magic series is full of ‘em! Curran and Raphael…..HOW YOU DOIN?!?!
3) Darkfever – Karen Marie Moning - This one is straight from you, Pimpstress Dren! You even went as far as to GIVE me the first book to get me hooked….AND IT WORKED! I know that Barrons is the favorite of most…but I have to admit to being RATHER intrigued by V’Lane. I’m just sayin!
WOOT!! Gotta love that V'Lane!!! (brushing my shoulders off). But folks, let me be clear. Even though Penny is new to Twittah and Book Bloggin - she most CERTAINLY has the Pimpin skills. How do I know? I know cause this pimp pimped books IN. MY. FACE. Yeah that's right. At the book signing, Penny stood in the middle of a bookstore and fed my addiction - real time. I nearly freaked because I didn't have a pen and paper so I logged all the stuff she pimped into my Blackberry -- author, Sherylin Kennon, titles like Let the Right One In... she was rollin them out I was typing them in. Oh and Penny is a TOTAL badass - she just completed her very first Triathlon last week. WHAT?!! And she even convinced me to do it with her next year and I said "yes" O_0 . Come on folks, how can you say no to a .....
Who are your top 3 Book Pimps?:
My top three book pimps are my sister Melinda and two of my best friends, Chena and Mica. Unfortunately, none of them currently have book blogs BUT I’m working on them all and hope to have them do guest posts on my blog. The three of them have been entirely responsible for my interest in epic fantasy series, such as Melanie Rawn’s Dragon trilogies (Dragon Prince & Dragon Star), George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, which is the basis of the upcoming HBO series A Game of Thrones and the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, which inspired the Legend of the Seeker TV series.
I also have to give an honorable mention to Twitter for its book pimpiness (my word; feel free to use it as your own!) too. Since I joined Twitter and became acquainted with such lovely ladies such as yourself Dren, and Bells of Hangin with Bells, and KC of SmokinHotBooks and Mandi and Tori of Smexy Books and the lovely ladies of ROOB (Realms on Our Bookshelves), I have been exposed to new-to-me authors and genres and I have LOVED it! My wallet, however, has been protesting quite loudly!
Name the top three books that were Pimped to you that you absolutely loved and why:
1) Dragon Prince – Melanie Rawn - This series came out in the late 80’s and was the first fantasy book I ever read. My sister Melinda introduced me to this series and it opened my eyes to a whole new world of books. Prior to reading it, I was mainly a mysteries, thrillers and romance reader. I haven’t looked back since!
2) Magic Bites – Ilona Andrews - This one also came to me from my sister Melinda. I have a special place in my heart for shapeshifters and the Magic series is full of ‘em! Curran and Raphael…..HOW YOU DOIN?!?!
3) Darkfever – Karen Marie Moning - This one is straight from you, Pimpstress Dren! You even went as far as to GIVE me the first book to get me hooked….AND IT WORKED! I know that Barrons is the favorite of most…but I have to admit to being RATHER intrigued by V’Lane. I’m just sayin!
WOOT!! Gotta love that V'Lane!!! (brushing my shoulders off). But folks, let me be clear. Even though Penny is new to Twittah and Book Bloggin - she most CERTAINLY has the Pimpin skills. How do I know? I know cause this pimp pimped books IN. MY. FACE. Yeah that's right. At the book signing, Penny stood in the middle of a bookstore and fed my addiction - real time. I nearly freaked because I didn't have a pen and paper so I logged all the stuff she pimped into my Blackberry -- author, Sherylin Kennon, titles like Let the Right One In... she was rollin them out I was typing them in. Oh and Penny is a TOTAL badass - she just completed her very first Triathlon last week. WHAT?!! And she even convinced me to do it with her next year and I said "yes" O_0 . Come on folks, how can you say no to a .....
Get your PIMP on!!

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Yea! Another great post. I have slowly gotten to know Penny from twitter and can't wait for her blog to take off! What a great story on how you two met!! Thanks!
Penny P is a pimp too?! Aww shoot! I look forward to talking books with you on Twitter. :)
Thanks so much for inviting me to be a featured pimp this week, Dren! Love the post! That was quite a fateful meeting at the bookstore, wasn't it?!?! :-)
@Twimom - looking forward to more Twitter chats, hon!
@Bells - we'll have to add book convos to our movie mash ups game! :-)
I met Penny on Twitter and we bonded instantly. Afterall I'm the original BookPimp and how could I not like someone else with "pimpin" in their name. Great fun!
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