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Monday, November 29, 2010
Interview and Giveaway with Touched by an Alien author Gini Koch
Today I have the pleasure of chatting with author, Gini Koch, the mastermind behind the novels Touched by an Alien and the soon to be released Alien Tango. I "met" Gini via a contest she created for the Alien Tango ARC. We chatted on Twitter and THEN I read Touched by an Alien. Yes I know -- why try and get book 2 when I haven't even read book 1? *shrug* That's how I roll. :)
If you haven't read the book, here's the Summary for Touched by an Alien:
Marketing manager Katherine "Kitty" Katt steps into the middle of what appears to be a domestic dispute turned ugly. And it only gets uglier when the man turns into a winged monster, straight out of a grade-Z horror movie, and goes on a killing spree. Though Kitty should probably run away, she springs into action to take the monster down.
In the middle of the chaos a handsome hunk named Jeff Martini appears, sent by the "agency" to perform crowd control. He's Kitty's kind of guy, no matter what planet he's from. And from now on, for Kitty, things are going to be sexy, dangerous, wild, and out of this world.
So, let's get to it.....
Dren: In Touched by an Alien, Kitty uses Mont Blanc pens and Everhold hairspray as weapons. WTH? Where do these fantastic ideas come from?
Gini: Um, well…they were what Kitty told me she used. LOL I’m a linear writer and this book was very organic for me, so, pretty much, I wrote down what all the characters told me. I didn’t even know their names until they told them to me. Yes, really. I call it Writing from the Hindbrain and it’s where you simply let go and let whatever’s in your head flow. It’s a party in my mind, and apparently the funky resides here, but it works for me.
Dren: Do you think Mont Blanc will create a “Kitty” Special Edition Pen? (I’m so gonna hashtag this on Twitter)
Gini: Wow, that would be beyond awesome. Especially if they sent me one. I love pens. I mean I LOVE them. And pencils. I’m a big writing instruments girl. I think I sort of collect pens the way other people collect commemorative plates -- with a sort of insane need to have them all and to have any pen or cool pencil I see. At least pens and pencils take less space to store. And Mont Blanc are the Mt. Olympus of pens. So it would be a great honor. And, again, hopefully they’d send me one. (Hint, HINT, Mont Blanc!)
Dren: When you started writing Touched By An Alien, did you already have the other books lined up in your head?
Gini: No, not really. I finished Touched by an Alien and then rolled right into Alien Tango. Finished it and rolled into Alien in the Family. Finished it and rolled into Alien Proliferation. Finished it and my agent called to sign me, so the rolling stopped for a bit. LOL.
Once I started writing Touched the other ideas for Tango arrived. Once I was writing it, I saw Family and Proliferation. As I was writing those two I saw Alien Diplomacy (Book 5) and beyond. Pretty much, I get more ideas based on what the characters have “just” gone through. The more I write, the more future ideas I get, too, which is nice.
Dren: I’ve heard that there are at least two more books in the works after Alien Tango -- Alien in the Family and Alien Proliferation. Are there any more books about Kitty and Jeff in the horizon?
Gini: There are indeed! DAW Books just confirmed that they’re buying Books 5 & 6, so Alien Diplomacy and Alien vs. Alien will be coming to a bookstore near you in 2012! Right now, the odd numbered books release in April and the evens release in Winter (usually December).
Right now I have through Book 12 mapped out (at least as much as I “map”), so hopefully there will be a lot more in the future, too.
Dren: So you know I've got to ask -- Will Chris ever get his own story? (closing eyes and crossing fingers)
Gini: No. Next question?
Dren: *Blank Stare* *Crickets Chirping in the background*
Gini: LOL. I know, I know, this question comes up all the time. Christopher is part of the cast of this series. He’s not getting his own. This is Kitty’s series, and shall stay Kitty’s series. One offs are a down-the-road discussion my editor and I haven’t had seriously yet. (Yes, we’ve had said discussion, but in a very general, in the future, kind of way.)

Dren: Ok so after “Thawcking” my way to an honorable mention in your Alien Tango ARC giveaway last month, it’s clear that Gators play some sort of role in book two. Can you give a hint on the who, the how and the whatfor?
Gini: Yes, Alien Tango is all about the ‘gators, baby! And, put it this way -- Kitty’s Kitty, and, when the chips are down and things look bad, trust her to come up with yet another wacky plan that just manages to work. And, then, you know, not work. Perhaps backfire. But, work out ultimately in the end. Yes, it’s a plan involving alligators. Real, live alligators. ‘Cause it’s Kitty, that’s why.
Yeah, that’s all you’re getting. ‘Cause that’s the kind of tease I am.
Dren: For your writing style, are you a Plotter or Panster?
Gini: I hate the term “pantser”, I really do. Because it insinuates that linear writers don’t plan. We do, just not like outliners or scene sewers do. I’m getting almost militant about it. “Linear Writers DO Plan! Sorta!” will be our slogan.
Obviously from that rant, I’m a linear writer. I’m an extreme linear writer. I need to start with the title, then the first line, then the rest just flows. How extreme, you ask? I periodically need to provide something to my editor so she has a vague idea of where I see the series going. She, being a saint, understands that she’ll never see an outline from me until the manuscript is in her hands, so she only asks for marketing blurb type paragraphs, one per book. My crit partner (who is very used to my so-called process by now) and I agonized over some of them, until, shocker alert, I altered the titles and, bam, there it was. So, yeah, I’m THAT extreme in terms of linear writing.
But I still plan, dammit. Excuse me, I have to go paint signs and organize a rally.
Dren: All kidding aside, Touched By An Alien has an interesting and unique storyline, but the plot has so many complex layers addressing racism, and religious persecution. Did you include these elements on purpose or did the story just flow that way? Were your editors or publishers nervous about it?
Gini: Story just flowed that way, but I certainly think about these things, they’re a part of life, after all. And they’re all things I’ve experienced in my life, one way or another.
But no, my publisher and editor weren’t nervous about it. This is a science fiction story, and science fiction has ALWAYS held a mirror to the world and commented about it. That’s part of what you do in science fiction, and fantasy -- you look at what’s right and wrong with the world and you reflect it back into a story in some way. Science fiction constantly comments about morality and social issues -- Star Trek is a great example of this, because each episode is a morality play of some kind, but it’s hardly the only example. It’s harder to find a science fiction story that DOESN’T have some kind of social commentary going on than those that do. So, no, they weren’t nervous about that at all.
I think they were a little nervous about how the funny would be received. Because humor is a LOT harder to do than most people think, and one man’s knee-slapper is another man’s room filled with silence. Happily it seems there are more who get my humor than don’t, and so we all lived happily ever after, other than those who didn’t get the jokes to whom I have to say, to quote the great Marcel Marceau, “-- --”, and then go on about my merry way
Dren: I love the funny. I think it's what makes your work stand out. *wink*
Dren: You’ve commented in the past that your fans are cool and funky. What’s the funkiest thing you love about any single fan? (Ideas – fan art submissions? Funny stories you’ve received about reading your book?)
Gini: Um, I kind of loved that chick who caught on that I really meant it when I said I wanted folks to trash talk on my blog in order to win during the recent Alien Tango Gator Pack giveaways and who spent much of her time thwacking the other participants with her ninja mouse in an effort to win my lone Alien Tango ARC. She didn’t win the ARC, but she rocked it in terms of competitive spirit and she made me laugh every time I read or re-read her posts.
Oh. Right. That was you. ;-D
Dren: *insert fangirl scream here*
Gini: But you’re honestly a great example, as were the others who really got into the spirit of that competition. Hey, what can I say? I like folks who are willing to bring the fun and the off-kilter, and I also like to laugh, and all of you made me laugh, and always in a good way.
I like that my fans are each clear individuals, and they all like my books, and me, for different reasons. They all bring something to the mix, whether they’re wild and crazy or sweet and quiet. But wild or quiet or somewhere in between, they all bring their own personalities into the Alien Collective and they make it better, stronger, and more fun. And the Alien Collective truly does bring the fun.
I would be remiss, of course, if I didn’t mention the I Smell Sheep team who both created the “Sheeped by an Alien” design and then sent me my own Sheeped shirt. And Sullivan McPig sends me chocolates and cool postcards from Europe, which, considering how small he is, is pretty amazing that he can get the box into the mail.
I could go on and on and list more cool things more cool fans do, but bottom line is that all my fans rock, no matter what they do or how they do it. Sure, I’m biased, but hey, it’s MY Collective, and I can decide all members are beyond awesome if I say so. And I say so.
Dren: *Queue sinister music* Ok! Now I’ve got an Alien Collective mission for YOU! You’ve entered a room full of book bloggers and you're holding an ARC of ALIEN IN THE FAMILY in your left hand. The crowd sees you and the book and starts to advance. They stand between you and the exit door located on the other side of the room and you realize you'll have fight your way through the crowd to get out. You look at your right and you're holding .....?
What everyday household would you use to fight off the book bloggers and how would you use it to escape? No Monte Blanc pens or Everhold allowed *insert hysterical giggling here*
Gini: Wow. You’re EVIL. Okay, lemme ponder…
Heh. Got it.
I’m holding the leash connected to the Canine Death Squad, consisting of Li’l Leader, The Spotted Fiend, and Big Baby. (Oh, and before you object, in MY household both leashes and the Canine Death Squad ARE everyday household objects.)
I hold onto the leash tightly as I shout, “Puppies, the doggie treats are OVER THERE through that DOOR, so we need to go OUT and play with the TOY!” Then I merely let the Canine Death Squad pull me along as they barrel through the crowd, barking and yowling, and break the door down in their desire to get to both treats AND toys. They’re all big dogs and, trust me, they’re well practiced at this sort of thing. No one’ll have a chance to lay a finger on me, or the ARC. They’ll be too busy flying through the air and dodging big dog paws and claws.
I think it’s a perfect plan.
Dren: Dang! Thwarted again!!
Gini thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me here on the B-Spot. I really enjoyed Touched by an Alien and I'm looking forward to reading Alien Tango in December!
Want to learn more about Gini? Check out her website at
Now on to the fun stuff! I'm giving away a copy of Touched by an Alien AND a pre-ordered copy of Alien Tango. This giveaway is going to be fast and furious so don't miss out! Contest is open to anywhere ships so please make sure it can be shipped to you before you enter! You must be follower of my blog and at least 18 years old to enter. Contest ends Thursday, December 2 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be announced on Friday, December 3. Just fill out the form below to enter!
If you already have Gini's first book, how about this special twist - I'll add Alien in the Family as your pre-order 2-pack? So here's what you can win:Prize Pack 1: Touched by an Alien and a pre-order of Alien Tango
Prize Pack 2: Pre-orders of Alien Tango and Alien in the Family
Just leave a comment below and let me know which Prize Pack you want.
Click HERE to Enter
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Great interview Dren! I can't wait to read the future books in this series. They truly are unique and I enjoy them so!
Don't enter me into the giveaway. Just wanted to show some Gini love and support! :D
Wow that was a great interview! I have spoken to Gini on twitter once or twice and I love her humor and wit! Don't enter me b/c I just bought the first book the other day..Im excited to read it :)
@Bells - aww, thanks, babe! {HUGS}
@Nikki - like your humor and wit too. ;-D And your good taste in book purchasing.
Hi there Gini! As always a great interview. Alien Tango did somebody say Alien Tango! I must have it, the Dark Wyrm and I have become extremely addicted to you umm well I mean Kitty.
Jennifer @ Book Noise
Awesome giveaway! I would like Prize #1!
I have already pre-ordered Alien Tango but would love pack 2. I could donate one copy of Alien Tango to my local library. Gini always does a great interview and this one was no exception
Thanks so much ladies!!
What a fun interview. I have already ready Touched by An Alien ~ Loved It! I would love to be entered to win pack #2.
Keri K
Awesome and fun interview! I can actually hear the maniacal laughing. :)
Great interview! I would love to win pack 2. :)
I could've sworn I posted a comment here yesterday...I'd love prize pack #2! I am pretty sure the form went through..
I want Prize Pack 1 ...Btw..nice interview..:)
@Jennifer - {HUGS} and thanks to you and Mr. Wyrm!
@vicky - good luck!
@JC - thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@Keri - glad you enjoyed the interview and TBAA. Good luck with Dren's contest!
@amber - what maniacal laughing? Oh. THAT maniacal laughing. ;-D
@Mervi - glad you enjoyed it and good luck!
@ABGR - good luck, babe!
@Pink - glad you liked the interview (and I'm all about the pink, btw, so love your name)!
I'd like to see the canine death squad meet my cat (who, of course, thinks he's human). His file is red-flagged as the vets, for his displeasure of the vets.
@nightsongfire - sounds like your cat could fit right in with the Killer Kitties! In his heyday, the Big Fella (now deceased) was on the vet's watch list, but he mellowed in his older age. The Killer Kitties, on the other hand, don't believe in mellowing.
Wow! Awesome interview AND giveaway! :) I've read Touched by an Alien and it was one of the greatest books I've read these days! There are no words to describe it! The plot flows smoothly and the characters are so quirky and fun!
Please count me in for Prize Pack 2. Thanks again! :)
You can reach me at
This is really a great interview! I hate to admit I haven't read the first book yet, so I need package #1. But I have been following and heard nothing but great things.
I really enjoyed this interview, and learned more about the books I have to have. :)
Filled in the form. :)
Awesome interview! And I'm not just saying that because I'm mentioned ;-)
I do get help from my owner with the posting of cards and such I will confess.
Count me in for Prize Pack 2
Heeh, that was such a fun interview!
I am sad to admit that I haven't read the books, but they totally seem awesome. Like a mixture of paranormal and romance and James Bond Spirit and everything I like! *g*
Wow... up to book 12? I better start catching up then! :P
Thanks for the giveaway.
I would have to ask for Prize pack #1 :)
Kelly @ I Work For Books
Great interview! Thank you Dren and Gini Koch both.
I have to admit my moment of brain freeze...when I read about the "scene sewers" I was initially thinking about underground walkways and unmentionable smells. D'oh! Sillyhead me.
And thanks for the contest, Dren! Please count me in for pack #2.
Haha, amazing interview, but nothing surprising there, besides TBAA I love reading Gini's blog posts and interviews, they are always highly entertaining LOL! :-D
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! :-)
I would like to be entered for Prize Pack 2 please :-)
Thank you!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Great interview, I was so happy to see that there are so many more books to come. I loved loved the first.
I would love prize pack two please
Thank you
@Pink Panther - thanks, I'm so glad you enjoyed Touched by an Alien! Hope you love Alien Tango just as much!
@Melissa - yes, you must get the books! They're a deal at twice the price! Ask anybody! LOL
@Sully - I figured you had to have a little help, but I trust you to always find a way.
@Kelly - yes, you have to catch up now, lest you be left behind! (Only contracted up to Book 6, so far, so you're not too far behind the curve.)
@Alisha - LOL! I first heard the term used by Diana Gabaldon, who is a 1st class scene sewer (and the idea of Diana, the most gracious lady EVER, in a sewer of any kind is, frankly, hilarious).
@Stella - Aww, thanks babe! {HUGS}
@Paula - So glad you liked Touched by an Alien, and yeah, doing my best to have lots of aliens for y'all to enjoy!
Thanks for peeking in and chatting with followers! You are the ace boom coom!!!
@Dren - Nathan, Statham, and The Zane expect nothing less of me. ;-D
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